Sunday, January 10, 2010

Really Hashed Experience

I just receive sms from Abang Jamal. He asking me wheather i could join he and friends to the all terrain route from Sri Aman-Pakit-Entulang. We gathered at Petronas at 3.30 pm. We started paddling to Pakit. Arrived at Pakit at 4.30 and we asscend to Pakit-Entulang via Salcra Palm Oil Estate. The road really kill me. I pushed myself beyond limitation. Somehow i surrender and walk my bike instead of climb the hill by paddling up. My hip cramp and how lucky i got friends whose be patient waiting me and gather as group at some checkpoint. After been entertained by a few chilling downhill we managed to reach Sri Aman-Serian Road. Fuhhh!!! Tarmac at last.
We rest at Peladang Point near Sriaman Sibu Junction and ride back at 6.30pm. What a day....