Friday, November 20, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Aku menduakan Kay
Aku tahu Kay terlalu sedih....sedih kerana hari ini aku tidak bersama dia melewati pemandangan indah disekitar sri aman. Bersedih kerana hari ini aku bersama Dee secara sah. Sah Dee aku miliki...selepas tamat edahnya bersama Moss. Aku bersama-sama Dee melayari saat indah melewati saat mentari mahu beradu. Ternyata Dee agak bertenaga. Malam itu aku makan malam bersama rakan-rakan makan di BSA. Ramai rakan-rakanku memuji ke elegant nan Dee.
He he he bangga sungguh aku......
Malas nak tulis panjang-panjang sebab Dee panggil aku untuk gosok belakang dia.....Kay?
Malam ni dia tidur luar.........................................
* Ni citer pasal basikal lah.......gambar kat atas tu...over sikit tau!!!!!Dont feel offended hahahah
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Aku Jatuh Cinta Lagi
Dari tadi mataku melihat Dee di samping Moss. Sesekali Moss mengusapi tubuh Dee dihadapan aku. Aku kagum melihat Dee. Badannya langsing. Ternyata Dee amat mempersona. Dan aku terpesona dengannya. Aku mencapai Kay dan kami pulang. Sebelum pulang bersama Kay, aku sempat melirikkan jelinganku pada Dee. Dee seolah-olah tersenyum padaku. Moss pada masa tu leka bercerita dengan Abang Jamal dan Duan. Duan menyedari tingkah ku yang dari tadi memerhatikan Dee. Aku terus pulang bersama Kay. Kay adalah milikku. Kay sangat bermakna buat ku...Kay juga cantik dan atletik. Aku memilih Kay menjadi temanku kerana dia juga lasak. Aku dan Kay pernah bersama-sama dihutan, di gunung dan dilopak. Tapi Dee ternyata berbeda. Dee lebih lembut....lebih feminin. Ciri-ciri kebandarannya membuat aku terpesona. Malam aku tak dapat melelapkan mataku....Dee bermain-main di ruang fikirku. Aku sering membayangkan Dee bersamaku. Kami bersama melayari perjalanan di pinggir Bukit Temudok. Sesekali aku memimpin Dee bersama-sama. Tiba-tiba aku di kejutkan dengan deringan telefon. Nama Moss tertera dipaparan. "Hello....." jawabku tenang diselangi debaran. "Zal....aku tahu kau sukakan Dee...lebih baik kau berterus terang dengan aku...."Moss bersuara. Aku bertambah gementar dengan kata-kata Moss itu. " Dari tadi aku lihat kau melihat dia....kau ingat aku tak perasan?" Moss mula meninggikan tona suaranya. "Ye..tapi salahkah Moss....kau memang bertuah, Dee memang cantik." Akui ku berani. "Kau mahukan dia?", Moss bertanya pada ku. Aku membisu. Ye aku inginkan dia. Walaupun aku sudah memiliki Kay tapi salahkah aku memiliki Dee...Salahkah aku memiliki kedua-duanya. Sedangkan dalam Islam dibenarkan memiliki 4 isteri jika mampu. Aku hanya mahukan Dee dan Kay....itu sahaja. Aku pasti dapat menanggung kedua-duanya. Abang Jamal sendiri memiliki 8 buah hati, aku rasa aku juga boleh memiliki lebih dari satu. "Zal....sebenarnya aku memang mahu berpisah dengan Dee. Ini kerana aku sudah bertemu idaman hatiku Gie. " jelas Moss padaku. "Apa? kau mahu berpisah dengan Dee?" aku benar-benar terkejut....."Ye Zal....kalau kau mahu kau ambillah cma kau bayar aku RM700. Dua kali bayar...lagipun aku dah upgrade dia." Moss menjelakan penjelasannya padaku yang dari tadi terdiam. "Errr....nanti aku confrim dengan kau later", kata ku lagi. Aku menamatkan perbualanku dengan Moss. Alamak....gajiku agak lambat bulan ni...aku kena berjimat. Walaupun aku mahukan Dee...namun buat masa ini aku tangguhkan dulu. Dee...jika aku ada duit lebih nanti pasti kau ku miliki....oh Dee my beloved Decathalon 650.
* Kepada pembaca....ini bukan kisah jiwang tapi kisah nak beli basikal le.....Dee tu basikal Decathalon Hybrid Road 650. Kay tu.....basikal aku sekarang KHS. Gie tu....Giant idaman Moss.
Kalau nak samakan basikal dengan Bini....Abang Jamal kena minum tongkat Ali berliter-liter tau sebab nak layan MERIDAH, GIANT,JCB,RALEIGH, dan..banyak lagi...8 tau!!!!!!
* Kepada pembaca....ini bukan kisah jiwang tapi kisah nak beli basikal le.....Dee tu basikal Decathalon Hybrid Road 650. Kay tu.....basikal aku sekarang KHS. Gie tu....Giant idaman Moss.
Kalau nak samakan basikal dengan Bini....Abang Jamal kena minum tongkat Ali berliter-liter tau sebab nak layan MERIDAH, GIANT,JCB,RALEIGH, dan..banyak lagi...8 tau!!!!!!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
More like student than teacher
I just came back from Kuching after attending a motivation camp at Biro Wanita Samariang for 4 days. I was a facilitator for that courses. But my addiction in riding make me bring along my KHS to the camp. After finished my session i ride my bike from Samariang - Wisma Bapa Malaysia- Kampung Jalan Astana - Bulatan Samariang and back to Biro Wanita. The traffic was heavy and it was hazard to ride during peak hour. I arrived at Sri Aman on Friday and on Saturday afternoon I ride alone to Sri AMan town. Luckily i met abang Jamal in the middle of the road. He offered me to ride alongside and went to Sri Aman Sibu Junction. That s mean i had to overcome the hard climbing of Temudok hill. We ride together until i reached the foot hill and start a steepe climbing. I use lower gear (no 2 and 1) I keep paddling but my bike move very slowly and managed to reach the 1st stop at the middle of the hill. We take a rest for a few minute then Abang Jamal encourage me to move on. He give me a few tips and at last I managed to reach the summit and continued ride down hill. It was fast. Really damn fast. I keep my hand steadily and let my body weight cruise the bike down hill easily. We have some 100plus and mineral water plus coffee at the Peladang Rest Stop. Then Abang Jamal give me some tips how to ride properly. Well he is a good guy and have a lot of know how about bike. I really follow the tips given and managed to climb over Temudok during going back to Sri Aman. I managed to get home at 7pm. session morelike learning then having fun...Thanks Abang Jamal
Sunday, October 25, 2009
This is the photo of the day..................enjoy viewing....bagilah komen sikit brother....
Abang Jamal : Auklah....betis dah bis beteri......
parang.....habis basikal kita kena sembelih...........
Aku di puncak Genting San...puncak ke45 tertinggi di Malaysia...setanding dengan Genting Sempah, Genting Highland....kalau nak tahu kat Genting San ini sama taraf dengan Genting Highland...ada kasino jugak kat Genting San...tapi Kasino Ayam Sabung la....
Masa teman mule-mule sampey serawak..teman ingat ini pokok sirih...
Buat di gelak orang jee...bila teman kata banyaknya ladang sireh kat serawak ni!!!!
basikal tok dengan Merida kah....Giant kah...baru sik mudah ruboh!!!
(Untuk tatapan rakan-rakan di Malaya yang tak faham disini aku translate kan dalam bahasa Malaysia.....Abang Jamal: Cikgu Faizal tu dah lah hensem...steady dan boleh tahan kayuh basikal...)
Do it hardway!

See ya again guys! This week Abang Jamal managed to gather 7 cyclist and planned to expereinced the offroad trail near Bayai. I get up a bit early. About 6.30am me and my sons ride down to Sri Aman Town. We having a breakfast BSA cafe. The treat is roti telur and teh tarik. At 7.30 am we went to Openair and met Abang Sawang. We have a chat until Abang Jamal and sons came over. Around 8.30 we started our journey and met Ridhuan near the bus stop at Taman Bayu Junction. The ride is a bit easy at first until we reach Bukit Temudok hill. We start climbing and managed to reached at the top. But I admit its really 'killing' me. I almost throw out and pass out. After a few minute rest, we continued our journey and straight up to Pakit and reached Bayai Junction. Here the challenge begin when we had to face gravel, and drit terrain. A few hill give us an extra workhard to do the climb. At the water treatment junction we are entertained by an awesome downhill track. We whooshed like a roller coster. Its so great. On the way out to Jalan Paip Air...we managed to stop at Genting San and take a few photo at Kebun Lada Hitam.
My son Munawar bike having a problem when his pedal lossen from its crank. We stopped for a while and call Moss to pick him up. I call my wife to pick Munawar at the junction after we managed to get out from the trail. We continued our journey to Entulang Bungkang , Taman Harmoni and Kampung Muhibbah. We head up to Sri Aman town and managed to reached Nor Salam Cafe and have some refreshment. All the way to complete at today offroad is 35km.
What a hard way and a hard day!!! but its paid off....
My son Munawar bike having a problem when his pedal lossen from its crank. We stopped for a while and call Moss to pick him up. I call my wife to pick Munawar at the junction after we managed to get out from the trail. We continued our journey to Entulang Bungkang , Taman Harmoni and Kampung Muhibbah. We head up to Sri Aman town and managed to reached Nor Salam Cafe and have some refreshment. All the way to complete at today offroad is 35km.
What a hard way and a hard day!!! but its paid off....
Monday, October 19, 2009
When rider meet surfer.....
Hey...ini senikata lagu sekolah aku da...tak jiwang langsung!!!!!
Antonie the bravely tidal bore surfer. Luckily he didnt encounter with lagendary Bujang Senang. Nasib baik hang tak jadi lauk boya semalam.
Antonie...kalau ko terrer kau surf benak sambil kayuh basikal kat sungai tu...
baru happening......
After a day rest. My foot start itchy again. Well that's a sign to go for a ride. I ask Munawar to join me. We just planning to ride easily downtown and lay parking at the new water front. I texted Ridhuan, hopefully he will join us but he's had a gym session. As usual we use Jalan Brayun down to Sri Aman town. When we reached waterfront i saw a crowd of people's filled the waterfront square. I spot a glimpse of Oreng Puteh....holding a surf board. "Oh man....this guy was surfing the tidal bore (benak)" my thought spoken. I saw a few cameraman snapping his photo. Then i approached and talked to him. "You did surf that tidal bore do you?," my first question to him. "Yup....its was exicting.". he said. " Im Antonie....from France whats your name? Wuh...Im a cyclist too...Sometime I cycling during summer in France.", he intoduce himself to me. He's very friendly. So we talked about the adventure he had during surfed the tidal bore. He also experienced the Amazon Tidalbore called Pororoca. Infact in Amazon they organised a world class surfing competiton of Pororoca Tidal Bore. He also experienced the Quintang Tidal bore in Yangzte River China. Pororoca and Quintang tidalbore was far to high and dangerous compare with Sri Aman Tidal bore (benak). The Sri Aman Residen Mr Abang Shamsuddin just came and we took a picture with a crowd. Hopefully it will publish on the local paper tomorrow. After a while Munawar and I ride back home happily.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
The Thrill
Ridhuan menerjah air dengan bergaya...sebenarnya air itu effect photoshop jee hehehe
My First Real Off road.
Remember when i talked about getting sweat in entulang bungkang road....Hehehe that nothing compared with what i experienced yesterday. Ridhuan texted me yesterday morning and asking my conformation to join Abang Jamal and friends to hash at Stumbin. Im stuck with my schedule to kuching but...if not today...i wont get any!!! So i ready myself and put my KHS inside my car and fetch Ridhuan at Taman Bayu at 6.40. At 7.00 Ian just came and we having breakfast together at Mat Canai. We wait for Abang Jamal and company at Open Air and start our journey to Sri Aman-Stumbin-Kejatau-Sri Aman. Estimated about 40km. We reached Sri Aman at almost 1.00 pm.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Chased by dog!!!
My sons, Munawar and Muiz want to join me ride this afternoon. The sky look not promising. The cloud look heavy and i have to pick my daughter Maisarah at her KAFA Class. Ridhuan texted me. He said that he wanted to paddling up to Temudok hill. That sounds exciting..well after picked up maisarah, me and my sons ready to ride. We started quite late at almost 6 o'clock we ride through jalan hollis. Just passing SMK Sri Aman, I heard a dog barking behind me...and when i looked back...i saw one crazy brownish dog chassing me. I keep my speed up and ride as fast as i can. My sons lefted at the back and ride a bit slowly and luckly the dog ignore them. We ride up to Temudok and almost arrive at Sabu, I saw a blinker from my friends who waiting me. Ridhuan decided not to go up further due to the weather condition. Well we decide to go back. Ridhuan , Abang Moss and a the other guy (sorry i dont know his name) allured me to go for a dusk ride to Sri Aman town. Well I accompanied my sons to Jalan MichealPilo and ordered them to go home and I went down to Sri Aman Town. Heavy downpour splashed over me..and its getting dark. A lot of vehicles along side the road make me feel unsafe. I ride steadily and managed to reached at KFC but didnt see any sign of ridhuan and friends waiting. So i thought they already got home. I continued ride back at home...and reach at home at 8.00 pm.
Soooo tired lah......Later Ridhuan texted me and asking me to join the off road ride at Stumbin.
mmmmmm...............oh yeahhh.......
Monday, October 12, 2009
Im Addicted
Oh man, its almost 5 but the meeting still in fresh conducted by my headmaster. He talk about the remedial programme for those slow learner student. I had to wait until 5.05 then he ended the meeting. "Jom minum lok, kitak nanti di Asam Pedas", he's inviting me to had some refreshment at the cafe downtown. " Agik boss kamek nak gohet behari tok", I had to get change first. At 5.30 pm, Im on my full apparel and grab my bike and ride. "Woi...sitok lok", i heard my boss shouting when I pass the Asam Pedas Cafe. I stopped by and join them for a tea tarik. We had a chat about school and sports. 5.45 I started to ride solo to Temudok hillfoot. I use the Entulang Bungkang Offroad and the weather give a sign to be raining soon. I complete my round and straight back to my house. Im managed to reached home before downpour.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
My First Off Road. (Unchallenging but worthly)
Im planning to do solo ride on Saturday morning but the heavy downpour flushed over Sri Aman from 5am until 9am looked imposible for me to cycling. So I cancelled my planning and stick to my usual bussines during weekend, stay tight in a couch and watch HBO. No Lah sometimes i had to do some housework too. At 4.00 pm my instict put me on the phone to Ridhuan. He said that he and Ian just started to ride at Kampung Hilir to Stumbin Road. Well I want to join them and I suggested to use a trail near Temudok Hill. So Ridhuan asked me to waited at Sri Aman Stadium while he and Ian fetched me. After a while we meet and form a group of three and ride down south to Temudok Hill. A few minute we reached a junction to Taman Harmoni and turn toward a small trail of gravel road trek. Yup!!!! my first off road experience will be come reality. Three of us keep padlling smooth and easy. There no hard obsticle just a few patch of hole and an accessive of water from the creek poured over the road resembling a small creek. We ride freely until reached the foothill and started hashed ourselves with steepe climbing. The road is terribly steepe and i had to use a very low gear to climb up. Mircleously Ian just climb it as easy as A.B.C . Ridhuan and me felt tired and stop in the middle of the hill. We're surrender.
Then we strike down with full goodness its really chilling damn fast.
After a few moment for rest and we ride back home. For me....that is a good started and i will do better in next encounter. Bye
My Routine
I just the novice. Yup you can consider that for a year of experience in mountainbiking. I just knew about hashing, freeride and downhill. I also consider as lucky to become a friend to the most experience young rider Ian, from Kuching. He's alway hashed in Sri Aman during visiting his wife and inlaw. Include him is my new friend Ridhuan a banker. Im not intended to flushed my life to become a professional in cycling. My intension is to improved my healthy living. Then i choose mountainbiking. Its trill, excitment and man's sport. So set my routine to do paddling around Sri Aman town. It tooks 1 and 1/2 hours to complete a full round from my house to town and Temudok Hill foot and back to my house again.
My eldest sons Munawar always accompanied my ride alongside. Well here some photo when we take a 'pit stop'.
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